At Temple B'nai Israel, Shabbat is a special and sacred time to gather together for prayer, learning, song, and community. We prioritize making Shabbat different from the week through our programming and prayer services.
Friday Night Shabbat Services
Our weekly Shabbat services at 7:00 PM on Fridays are a highlight of the week at the Temple. Our service, which is generally 75-90 minutes, includes candle lighting, musical Kabbalat Shabbat, evening prayers, and a brief Torah service with a d'var torah (sermon). On the first Shabbat of the month, we offer a shorter service beginning at 6:15 PM instead. Friday night services are appropriate for all ages and include opportunities for children to participate. After the service, there is an oneg with light refreshments.
This service is always livestreamed on our website.
Shabbat Morning Minyan
On the first Shabbat of the month, we gather at 10:15 AM in the chapel for a casual Shabbat morning service led by the Rabbi and Student Cantor. We pray, sing, talk, laugh, and enjoy a small group worship experience. Join us beforehand at 9:00 AM for our study of meaning from texts as it relates to our lives. Join us in-person or on our interactive zoom (see calendar for link).
Shabbat Worship and Programs for Families
In addition to our family-friendly Shabbat evening services on Fridays, we also offer a Shabbat morning Tot Shabbat experience each month, complete with song, prayer, stories, and crafts. Hebrew School students and their families come together monthly at 10:00 AM fora learner's shacharit service.
Thu, March 13 2025
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