Temple B'nai Israel, founded in 1903, continues to be the thriving center of Reform Judaism in Central Oklahoma. We are an inclusive, diverse congregation, welcoming all who wish to worship, study and develop cultural and social ties through the practice of Reform Judaism.
We are guided by the following core Jewish values:
- B'tzelem Elohim- In God's image
- Lev Tov/Nedivut- A generous heart and spirit
- K'vod Habriyot- Respect for all people
- Kehilla Kedosha- Creating a sacred, spiritual community
- Torah Lishmah- Lifelong learning
- Bakesh Shalom v'Rodefhu- Seek peace and persue it
- Brit Olam- Sustaining Jewish Continuity
- Tikkun Olam- Repairing the World