Adult Education
Adult education
Whether you join us on an exciting travel adventure, or come to one of our ongoing offerings, we look forward to expanding our Jewish horizons together!
ONGOING Adult Education
At Temple B'nai Israel, we embrace Torah Lishmah- Lifelong Learning- as a core value, realized through our adult education opportunities. Between regularly scheduled classes, travel, and special programs, there is always something to learn!
First Shabbat of the Month: Meaning and Mussar
On the first Saturday of the month, Rabbi Harris leads a Shabbat morning discussion about the weekly Haftarah portion and “Mussar” – the Jewish study of applying personal ethics to our daily lives. We meet at 9am in person (bring your own coffee) or via Zoom. Please note we use the waiting room feature of Zoom and ask all participants to use their real names and identify themselves. If you are new to in-person programs or joining Zoom calls with Temple B'nai Israel, we encourage you to call or email the office before Shabbat to let us know you intend to join.
Thursday Lunch and Learn
Most Thursdays at noon, Rabbi Harris teaches our fantastic religious school curriculum on an adult level. Occasionally Student Cantor Elliott Wulff or outside guest speakers lead the class. This discussion is in person at the Temple Chapel or via Zoom. If you are new to in-person programs or joining Zoom calls with Temple B'nai Israel, we encourage you to call or email the office in advance to let us know you are planning to attend.
Introduction to Judaism and Adult Hebrew Courses
Introduction to Judaism is an overview of Reform Judaism and its beliefs, practices, traditions, values, history, texts, and community, intended for those considering conversion and lifelong learners alike. Adult Hebrew teaches adults the Hebrew alphabet, reading skills, and basic vocabulary. We refer interested learners to an online course through the URJ!
Special Programs, Festivals, and Holidays
Throughout the year, we host numerous adult education opportunities at the Temple and in the community with other organizations. Some programs may be part of our observances of a holiday while others are scheduled throughout the year. Check our calendar or weekly What's Nu e-newsletter for upcoming learning opportunities.
Thu, March 13 2025
13 Adar 5785
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