Fund Descriptions
Fund Descriptions
BENDORF MEMORIAL FUND: Named for Walter Bendorf, a fund to provide Holocaust materials for the Library and for the Holocaust Memorial.
BUILDING FUND: A fund which makes sizable unbudgeted expenditures to repair and upgrade the Temple building and grounds.
ENDOWMENT FUND: The principal of this fund is never to be invaded. The interest income is to be used for Temple benefit at the sole discretion of the Endowment Committee. This is the original Endowment Fund.
ERNA KROUCH PRE-SCHOOL FUND: A fund to provide additional funds for desired items which were not included in the budget.
FAIRLAWN CEMETERY FUND: A fund which provided for the perpetual care of Fairlawn Cemetery.
GINZBURG MEMORIAL FUND/HIAS Donation: Named for Freida and Nathan Ginzburg, the Fund is designed to help refugees from other countries navigate resettlement in Oklahoma, assist with natural disasters and other events beyond control.
GENERAL FUND: The fund which meets the continuing expenses of the Temple in support of our budget.
GOLD ISRAEL PILGRIMAGE FUND: Named for Matt and Sonia Gold, an endowment fund which subsidizes a trip to Israel for each Confirmand, begun in the summer of 1990.
GREENBERG BEAUTIFICATION FUND: Founded in memory of Miriam Rader Greenberg and her love of beautiful flowers and gardens, this fund supports beautification projects on the Temple grounds.
HENDERSON FAMILY ACTIVITY CENTER FUND: Named for Rose & Kenneth Henderson, this fund subsidizes the purchase of equipment and other materials for the Activity Center.
JOSEPH FAMILY FUND: A fund to create historical archives for the Temple.
LEGACY FUND: This fund was created in 2009, for the ongoing financial security of our congregation.
LEVENSON MEMORIAL FUND: Named for Claire Brandt Levenson and Rabbi Joseph Levenson, provides funding on an ongoing basis to underwrite the expenses of the Martin Luther King Jr. programming, co-sponsored annually by Temple B'nai Israel and the NAACP.
LIBRARY FUND: A fund to purchase books and to refurbish our Library.
MEMORIAL PARK FUND: Provides for the perpetual care of the TBI Memorial Cemetery.
MUSIC & CHOIR FUND: The fund which provides our choir additional monies for non-budgeted items and/or special events.
PHIL BROWN YOUTH LEADERSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND: For the benefit of Temple B'nai Israel's charitable, religious and educational purposes specifically for our youth to contribute to their potential as leaders of tomorrow.
PRAYERBOOK FUND: To purchase Mishkan T'Filah for Sabbath worship, Mishkan HaNefesh: Worship for the Days of Awe for High Holy Day worship, and other congregational prayer books
PRESIDENT’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: To provide unbudgeted items and programs for the Temple at the discretion of the President.
RABBI A. DAVID & NINA PACKMAN ENDOWMENT FUND: To provide monies which Temple B’nai Israel may disburse, in the name of Rabbi A. David Packman, to the Temple Community or to the Community-at-large.
RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND: To provide unbudgeted items and programs which the Rabbi designates for the Temple, to help the needy in our midst, and/or to support various local and Jewish charities.
SHAFFER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Named in memory of Lee Daniel Shaffer, to subsidize youth group members in their attendance at NFTY Summer Kallah.
SHNIER FUND: Named for Jack and Esther Shnier, to provide monies for contributions to the general community for disaster relief or other community needs in the name of Temple B’nai Israel.
SOCIAL ACTION: To provide support in the community for areas of need. The fund supports projects such as Homeless Alliance Project-Day Shelter Meals; Homeless Alliance Project-Sack Lunch Project; Martin Luther King Event; Summer Boys'and Girls' Club Swimming and Meals; Refugee Family Resettlement Project; and SISU-the youth overnight shelter for OKC.
MACK TECHNOLOGY FUND: Enables the Temple to upgrade and maintain the technology of Temple B'nai Israel. This includes many areas of daily Temple operations.
YOUTH GROUP FUND: Established in 2001 to provide additional funding for our youth programming.
The Temple Sisterhood administers several very worthy Funds that also merit our generous support. Sisterhood has created the:
EUNICE SELIGSON PULPIT FLOWER FUND: Provides fresh flowers at Shabbat Services for the Bimah when flowers would not otherwise be provided.
BARBARA WERNICK SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Subsidizes Youth Group leaders’ attendance at the NFTY Biennial Convention.
Sat, February 1 2025
3 Shevat 5785
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