Brotherhood and Sisterhood
The Temple Brotherhood is proud to serve as a conduit for involvement and camaraderie among them men of Temple B’nai Israel.
Throughout the year, the Brotherhood serves its members and the larger Temple community through a great variety of events, including Brotherhood Breakfasts, Brotherhood Shabbat, Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl, Super Bowl Pizza Party, Brotherhood Poker Tour, Temple Golf Tournament and July 4th Family Fun Baseball game. In addition, we provide gifts to B’nai Mitzvah and participate in mitzvah projects in the community. Brotherhood dues are small but the benefits to members and the Temple community are great.
Your involvement today helps us reinvigorate camaraderie among members and show a positive male Jewish role model for our children.
Current Leadership:
President: Mark Bennett
In 2013, Temple B’nai Israel Sisterhood became semi-dormant. Membership continues to be voluntary with district and national dues forwarded for those who choose to join. Membership allows Temple B’nai Israel Sisterhood, one of the founding Sisterhoods of WRJ, to maintain a district and national presence.
Many of Sisterhood’s long time Temple projects continue, having been moved to the direct responsibility of the Temple. These projects include: the mitzvah committee, the Rosh Hashanah Oneg, and much more
Many Sisterhood volunteers continue their involvement in:
- Gift Shop
- Meeting our pledges to the Sunday School, Youth Group scholarships and activities, and scholarships for Erna Krouch Preschool
- Gifts to Bar/Bat Mitzvah students, Confirmation Bibles, Conversion gifts, and Hanukkah candles to Sunday School families
- Chair Friendship and New Year’s projects
- Support Judaism and its institutions on both national and international level
- Foster and promote lifetime friendship
The Sisterhood also proudly maintains two funds: the Eunice Seligson Pulpit Flower Fund and the Barbara Wernick Scholarship Fund.
Current Leadership:
Treasurers: Marsha Greiner & Debbie Nevard
Gift Shop: Marsha Greiner & Debbie Nevard
Membership: Marsha Greiner & Debbie Nevard
New Year’s Greetings: Marsha Greiner & Debbie Nevard
Community Service/Knitzvah, Seligson Pulpit Flower Fund: Janice Segell
Barbara Wernick Scholarships: Wernick Family & Committee
Past Presidents
Jules Bloch was the first president of the Temple Brotherhood, originally called Temple Men’s Club. No permanent minutes of this organization are available for the years prior to 1946 so it is impossible to accurately list the Presidents succeeding Mr. Bloch. The club was inactive during the war years and then reorganized in 1946.
1946 *Fred Schonwald
1947 *A.J. Urbansky
1950 *Bernhard Michel
1951 *Malcolm Robinson
1953 *Bernard Glassman
1955 *Jerome Michaelson
1956 *Matt Gold
1958 *Murray Marcus
1959 *Charles Flexner
1960 *Jack Thaler
1961 *Jerome K. Altshuler
1963 *Simon Gansler
1964 *Morris Blumenthal
1965 *Dudley Powell
1966 Dr. Henry Asin
1967 *A. Lee Segell
1968 *Walter Bendorf
1969 Mark Price
1970 *Royal Miller
1972 Allan Ephraim
1973 *Walter Bendorf
1974 *Richard S.D. Cassell
1975 *Franklin J. Kivel
1976 Marvin Bender
1977 Alfred Karchmer
1978 *David Michaelson
1979 Donald B. Nevard
1980 *Thomas Lipton
1981 *David Schneider
1982 Paul Amsterdam
1983 M. Blake Yaffe
1984 *Michael Barlow
1986 Michael Harris
1987 Gregory Gore
1988 *Bart Levy
1989 Jim Moore
1990-91 Louis Green
1992-93 Bruce Berman
1994-95 Richard Charnay
1996-97 Henry Orlowski
1998-99 Bruce Berman
2000-03 No Men’s Club
2004-12 Lou Barlow
2013-19 David & Steve Donchin
2020-22 Larry Heyman
*Frances Gerson (Harry) 1906
*Esther Rosenthal (Harry) 1907
*Eliza Cole (Abe) 1908
*Fannie Blatt (Joseph) 1909
*Mrs. Herman Pincus 1910
*Jennie Miller 1911
*Florence Myers (Joseph) 1912-37
*Julia Berlowitz (Louis) 1934-40
*Alice Israel (Jack) 1940-43
*Maree Lewinsohn (Milton) 1943-46
*Babs Barth (Richard) 1946-48
Genevieve Goldfain (Ephraim) 1948-50
Anne Fleig (Arnold) 1950-53
Eunice Seligson (J.B.) 1953-54
Mollie Burnett (Milton) 1954-55
Frances Robinson (Malcolm) 1955-57
Evelyn Buchner (Harold) 1958-59
Betty Gordon (Norman) 1959-61
Suzanne Charney (L.H.) 1961-63
Mollie Burnett (Milton) 1963-65
Claire Levenson (Joseph) 1965-67
Margaret Donchin (Maurice) 1967-69
Esther Schnier (Jack) 1969-71
Sherry Bennett (Ike) 1971-73
Linda Blumenthal (Morris) 1973-75
Janice Segell (A. Lee) 1975-77
*Marcia Shaffer (Jerome) 1977-79
Judy Bonus (Jerry) 1979-80
*Barbara Wernick (Ted) 1980-83
Ellen Metz (Allan) 1983-85
*Jan Ephraim (Allan) 1985-87
Dr. Mari Fagin (Arnold) 1987-89
Debby Rubenstein (Carl) 1989-91
Judie Aronson (Willard) 1991-93
Jan Marion (Brad) 1993-95
Marsha Greiner & Nina Packman 1995-97
Kathy Carroll (Dan Schonwald) 1997-99
Joan Gerson (Marvin) 1999-01
Susan Donchin (Steve) 2001-03
Anita Barlow (Michael) 2003-05
Gayla Adams (Rod) 2005-07
Pauli Loeffler & Joan Gerson 2007-09
Jennifer Arlen 2009-10
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