Program Information
Program Information
Our Curriculum
Our program is creative and child-centered with both structure and freedom. Children learn to make choices and to work cooperatively. They also learn to respect others, to work independently, and to develop an enthusiasm and excitement for learning.
Our curriculum is centered around weekly themes that are developed with the use of art, manipulatives, stories, and songs. The activities and materials used will be those important in facilitating specific skills – including language, fine and gross motor, science, math, inter-personal, and dramatic play. Each lesson is geared appropriately to the developmental age and stage of the class.
Our preschool is a place for children to create, explore, share, and discover. We offer our children encouragement, security, and love, along with a wide range of experiences and opportunities for planning, trying, and doing. We incorporate elements from the Learning Without Tears curriculum for teaching handwriting and letter recognition.
For more details on our 2- and 2 ½-year-old program, click here
For more details on our 3-year-old and Pre-K program, click below:
3s & PreK Curriculum & Goals 3s & PreK Curriculum & Goals (Part 2)
Weekly Enrichment
All students attending Erna Krouch Preschool receive weekly enrichment in music, Spanish, and gross motor skills.
MUSIC is a vital part of our program. It is a language which is sung, played, heard, and written all over the world. Music will help with communication skills, self-expression, knowledge of patterns, movement, and confidence. Our children explore music by singing; playing bells, shakers, rhythm sticks, and drums; and moving with scarves.
SPANISH is another important part of our program. In our youngest classes, we begin with colors and numbers. As we progress through our classes, we learn animals, body parts, food, and other things. By the time we reach our Pre-K classes, we begin to speak and understand simple sentences. We use books, puppets, and songs in our language lessons.
AMAZING ATHLETES allows the children an opportunity to strengthen their muscles and improve their eye-hand coordination, balance, and many more gross motor skills. Each weekly class lasts for 30 minutes and includes an obstacle course, specific sport-focused activities, and nutritional information. For more about this program, click here:
Mon, March 10 2025
10 Adar 5785
Class Offerings
Erna Krouch Preschool offers classes for children aged 2 through Pre-K. We offer 2-day, 3-day, 4-day, & 5-day options for our younger children, and 4-day or 5-day options for Pre-K. Our classes start at 9am with morning classes ending at noon, and our extended day option ends at 2:55pm.
Our 2-, 2 ½-, and 3-year-old children who stay for extended day will rest after lunch, from roughly 12:45-2:20pm even for those who do not sleep. Children do not have to sleep but must be able to rest quietly on their mat. Pre-K children have a 20-30 minute rest time. If your child is still a napper, they will be allowed to sleep.
The following are our class options by age.
TWO YEAR OLDS – JANUARY CLASS: We offer a class starting in January for children with birthdates in Nov., Dec., Jan., & Feb. IF there is enough demand. Those turning 2 after February must wait until fall. This is a two-day class that meets on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
TWO YEAR OLDS – AUGUST CLASS: To begin in August, children must turn 2 by August 31st. For those turning 2 in Sept. or Oct., they may start following their 2nd birthday. The class options for 2-year-olds are 2-day (Tues./Thurs.), 3-day (Mon./Wed./Fri.), 4-day (Mon.-Thurs.), or 5-day (Mon.-Fri.). There are a limited number of 4- or 5-day spots available.
TWO- & ONE-HALF-YEAR OLDS: Children must turn 2 ½ by August 31st. The class options for 2 ½-year-olds are 2-day (Tues./Thurs.), 3-day (Mon./Wed./Fri.), 4-day (Mon.-Thurs.), or 5-day (Mon.-Fri.). There are a limited number of 4- or 5-day spots available.
THREE-YEAR-OLD CLASSES: Children must be 3 by August 31st and fully potty-trained. Your child needs to be able to communicate to staff their need to use the restroom or be able to go by themselves. Your child should be in underwear and no longer need a pull-up, except for naptime. The class options for 3-year-olds are 2-day (Tues./Thurs.), 3-day (Mon./Wed./Fri.), 4-day (Mon.-Thurs.), or 5-day (Mon.-Fri.).
PRE-K CHILDREN: Children must be 4 by August 31st. The class options for Pre-K are 4-day (Mon.-Thurs.) or 5-day (Mon.-Fri.).
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